Process Serving: What You Need To Know

If you’ve been served with a lawsuit or fallen victim to identity theft, then you know that there are some things you need to know about the service. You may have even wondered how the process server found you. If so, this article is designed to answer that question and more!

What is Process Serving?

Process serving is the legal process by which a notice or summons is delivered to a person or entity.

The term “process server” can refer to the individual who serves the papers, or it can refer to the company that employs them. Process servers are generally private citizens who are not associated with the court system.

In order to serve papers, a process server must first locate the person or business to be served. Once they have located the individual or business, they will attempt to deliver the papers in person. If the process server is unable to find the individual or business, they may resort to other methods of service such as leaving the papers with a roommate or family member, posting them on the door of the residence or place of business, or sending them via certified mail.

Service of process is an important part of our legal system and helps ensure that everyone has their day in court.

Pros and Cons of Process Serving

There are many process servers out there and each have their own set of pros and cons. Here is a list of some of the more popular process servers and what they offer:

1. All American Process Server- offers national coverage, online case management, and GPS tracking. They also have a large database of process servers to choose from.

2. JPL Process Serving- offers mobile notarization, electronic filing, and online payments. They also have a wide array of services to choose from including court filings and research.

3. National Process Serving- offers flat rate pricing, online case management, real-time GPS tracking, andSkip tracing services. They also offer an extensive network of process servers across the country.

Types of Process Serving

The two types of process serving are personal service and substituted service.

Personal service is when the individual being served must be given the documents in person. The server will attempt to find the individual and hand them the documents. If the individual cannot be found, the server will leave a notice at their last known address with details about the documents being served.

Substituted service is when the individual being served cannot be found or is avoiding service. In this case, the documents can be left with another adult at their residence or place of work. The notice left will again have details about the documents being served.

How Does it Work?

If you’ve never heard of process serving, you’re not alone. It’s a little-known but important part of the legal system. Process serving is the delivery of documents related to legal proceedings, such as summonses, subpoenas, and court orders.

The process server is responsible for delivering these documents to the person named in the document. This can be a difficult and sometimes dangerous job, as some people do not want to be served with legal papers.

There are many process servers out there, so how do you choose one? Here are some things to look for:

-Reputation: Make sure the process server you choose is reputable and has a good track record.

-Experience: The more experience a process server has, the better. You want someone who knows what they’re doing and can get the job done quickly and efficiently.

-Price:Process serving can be expensive, so be sure to compare prices before choosing a process server.

Legal Issues with Process Serving

There are a number of legal issues that can arise when process serving, which is why it’s important to understand the process and know the laws in your jurisdiction.

One common issue is whether or not the person being served has been properly identified. This can be tricky if the person being served is trying to avoid service, but there are steps that process servers can take to ensure that the right person is being served.

Another legal issue that can arise is whether or not the process server has followed all of the proper procedures for serving papers. This includes things like knowing what type of papers can be served and how they should be delivered. If a process server doesn’t follow the proper procedures, it could result in the papers being thrown out by a judge.

Finally, there are also potential liability issues that come with being a process server. If you serve someone who then gets into an altercation with another person, you could be held liable for any injuries or damages that occur. This is why it’s important to have insurance coverage as a process server.To learn more about process servers in Illinois, visit the page.


Process serving is an important but often misunderstood part of the legal system. I hope this article has helped clear up some of the confusion and given you a better understanding of what process serving is and how it works. If you need to serve someone with legal papers, make sure to do your research and hire a reputable process server. And if you’re ever served with papers yourself, don’t panic — just take a deep breath and follow the instructions carefully.