Three Technologies Transforming The Food Industry 2021-02-22

By leveraging wireless communications and IoT to connect the food supply chain, AI ensures that every part of the supply chain works in harmony. As part of smarter agriculture, emerging food technology also offers opportunities to reduce waste and optimize quality in food production. This area of agrotechnology is also seeing an influx of solutions, from advanced satellite imagery to online marketplaces that level the playing field for smaller tech for good farmers. These advances can help producers get more out of their land and create a sustainable and responsible model for future generations. Continuous advances in automated food processing technology have consolidated automation and autonomous equipment as an integral part of the food production and processing industries. As demand continues to rise, along with costs, automation helps reduce production time while increasing production.

In addition, there is a paradigm shift from reducing food waste to zero-waste approaches to food production. Food brands recycle and reuse food waste to generate value and expand their reach for consumers interested in sustainability. For example, 3D food printing solutions that use food waste to print edible food products curb food waste in restaurants and other eateries. Sensors, sorting technologies and food preservation technology can also provide greater safety within the supply chain, minimise waste and ensure the safety and quality of food products during transport.

Insight, the startup’s smart food waste tracker, uses patented AI-based image recognition technology. It provides chefs with insight into their food waste while providing feedback between customers and food quality. This allows restaurants and other eateries to optimize their production and artisan menu based on the customer’s preferences. Lumitics Insight helps stakeholders reduce food waste in hotels, planes and cruise ships to reduce food costs. From time to time, the food technology industry implicated the advent of the revolution, benefiting most of the players in the market. It is clear that innovation in the food industry would benefit software development companies with huge projects to build high-tech solutions for food and beverage companies.

In this technology, data and information from the food supply chain are integrated into the database. Technology-based compliance software solutions can help food suppliers comply with various industry regulations while maintaining smooth operation. The green movement, climate change, the growth of competition, all these factors are causing F&B companies to look for new ways to improve their products and services. Old-school methods don’t work because they can’t provide the highest levels of transparency, product shipping quality, and storage. In addition, some supply chains deal with products and ingredients that must always be fresh. In this case, controlling temperature and humidity is vital to the manufacturing process, and smart sensors are best at identifying any deviations.

Startups develop food management solutions to optimize manufacturing processes and supply chain operations. In addition, the digitization of restaurants enables the analysis of customer behavior and the prediction of demand based on consumer preferences. Together, these solutions enable food manufacturers to better understand market needs and predict disruptions, reducing losses and managing food surpluses.